We are Tilt´ing in Molde
We have talked to Molde Argentina Tango Club about what they think about dance, the TILT project that will get as many as possible in a region every year to get involved in dance and how it will be to come home to people’s private homes like in the performance Silence.

Why dance? Eva Spirdal and Arne Akselvoll respond; “Dance brings joy, keeps the body in shape, it is social, it trains the brain and it helps the communication between people” Ine Flogbergseter adds "Dance gives me happiness. No matter how down or tired I am, it gives me joy and energy. Guaranteed! "
What do you think is exciting about this project – dance in a slightly untraditional arena and together with us in Panta Rei in Silence? “The dance can reach those who have never seen dancing and maybe they are motivated to start themselves?” Says Eva Spirdal and Arne Akselvoll. “I’m really curious and excited about this,” says Ine Flogbergseter before she continues "We are amateurs (Molde Argentina Tango Club) and professionals (Panta Rei) – and know very little about each other. And then we just meet outside and in a home. I am curious and excited about how it will be experienced, for us as dancers and for the public. I think it’s playful, I’m looking forward to being part of something that is a bit outside the “box”. "
Is it totally corny to have to dance in a home? What do you think about this? How do you think it will be to get four dancers and a musician into your home to show you a dance performance? "It’s exciting and a tough way to reach people. The downside may be that you might reach more women..? Ine adds, “Some may want to think” what is this? "But I think this is pleasingly crazy. Don’t know what to expect. A bit as if one were to stay in the bed department at IKEA. "
The journey from the Marathon Dance to Silence – What do you think are the limitations of dance? – Maybe it doesn’t have limitations but is for everyone everywhere? Eva and Arne are quick to answer and say “Dance is for everyone! You can dance until you lie in the coffin, do not necessarily need a lot of space and it can even be done in the kitchen – and dancing in all formats is health-promoting. Certain dances like tango require good balance and the dance is a common language for the whole world. Tango does not require you to speak the language of the country you are in, it holds with a cabeceo-a nod to bid up to the dance and you do not speak when you dance. The limitations are rather in how the media presents dance – like acrobatics and a need to be in good shape to enjoy it – it’s wrong …” Again it’s Ine that adds some well-chosen words “When it comes to the journey from the Marathon Dance to Silence it started with tango and then grew from there. Out of comfort zone. Very funny!”
Do you want more dancing in Molde? How can we get Norwegians with a slightly high threshold to dance to get out and take part in this life-supporting activity? Unanimously, they all say they want more dancing! Several forms of dance, both so they can dance themselves and watch. But … they say "Should we be able to motivate more Norwegians to dance then one can wonder if “Dancing with the Stars” might be more an obstacle than helping to recruit. We must let everyone understand that dancing is for everyone, that it is fun regardless of background and skill level and that it is healthy and good to leave the comfort zone from time to time. As it is now, it looks as if other countries and other nationalities enjoy dance to a far greater extent – in all generations regardless of skill level – it is not fair! Come on Norway – let’s catch up with the “world” -lets dance!" We let Ine get the last word: “Yes, much more dance! I think we must be exposed to dancing. Then the dance must be were people are.”
So it may seem that Silence is exactly what Molde needs – come watch dance from the couch at home with fellow citizens!