Following her dream!
Nora Svenning, one of the talents in TILT Grow 2019, guests Starcke Stücke with the performance Make Me Dance in March!

“Dance is and has always been a big and important part of my life, for as long as I can remember. It makes me feel at home. A basic urge for movement lives inside me and I can not imagine a life without dance. ! "
Nora Svenning, one of the talents in this year’s TILT Grow program, guests Starcke Stücke with the performance Make Me Dance in March. The performance is a co-production between Panta Rei Danseteater and Brageteatret and guests Frankfurt as part of Norway’s investment in the Frankfurt Book Fair 2019.
Nora Svenning (28) has a degree in classical ballet from the Oslo Academy of the Arts (KHiO). After graduating, she spent a year at the Cannes Jeune Ballet in France, and has since worked as a freelancer based in Oslo. Make Me Dance is a choreographed concert where the performers on stage share their personal stories about why they have just ended up as professional artists.
“In dance I have a direction, a drive and an inexhaustible source of joy. Through movements I get to explore and express what feels important to me as a whole, amplified by the music and the meeting with the audience. In Make Me Dance we are at the core of all this when we tell our personal stories of happy events in life, but also by expressing what has been tough and difficult along the way, with this we want to convey that one must never lose faith in oneself, but dare to bet and follow the passion so that dreams come true. "
After watching Make Me Dance, journalist Mari Johnsen Viksengen said: “This piece is not only about dance as a passion, but also about how any passion is important to give life meaning.”